When the roots of your hair stop producing melanin, your hair loses
color and turns grey or white. Since hair consists of dead cells, once
grey or white hair is formed it cannot be changed. The age at which a
person’s hair becomes white depends on hereditary factors, but diet,
lifestyle and stress can also cause premature greying. Here are some
remedies for preventing formation of white hair:
Amla is a popular home remedy. Make paste of amla with water and apply to the hair.
Black Tea :
Take black tea (without milk and sugar) and massage it on the roots of the hair. Leave it for 1 hour and then wash it.
Oil Your Hair:
- Use coconut oil (with lemon) or almond oil to massage the scalp.
- Vegetable and essential oil also contain nutrients for slowing the greying of hair.
- Use amla hair oil for massaging hair.
- Apply Bhrigaraj oil and anti pitta herbs to your hair.
Eat fish and other seafood (they contain iodine) which is required for melanin production.
Mixture to stay young:
1. Boil curry leaves in coconut oil and apply the mixture to prevent formation of white hair. 2. Soak ribbed gourd in coconut oil for 3-4 days, boil the oil. Use this oil twice a week for massaging the scalp.
Take Fruit juices, especially amla and honey. It has beneficial
effect. Drink Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Vacha and Brahmi Ghrutam one spoon
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