1. Brush your teeth by dipping your toothbrush in lemon juice with a pinch of salt. It will have a bleaching effect on your tooth without affecting enamel. Then rinse your with mouth with purified water and have a brush with your regular tooth paste.
2. Baking soda has whitening effect. Mix a baking soda with water, and apply it on your tooth, massage your tooth. Then rinse your with mouth with purified water.
3. Cut a strawberry into small piece and gently rub it on your tooth. Then brush with your regular tooth paste. Strawberry has acidic content, it will eliminate some bacteria in tooth.
4. If you can't able to brush, then swish your mouth with water and rinse your tooth. Eat fresh green leaves and vegetables. Rinse your mouth with lemon water to remove any plaques.
5. Apple cider vinegar also whitening effects, dip your brush into it and brush your tooth. But be caution, it has acidic effect.
6. Brushing your teeth with wood ashes found in fireplace, helps you to have brightening teeth. It contains potassium hydroxide has whitening effect. But after brushing, rinse your mouth with water, don't let it stagnate anywhere in tooth.
7. Home made toothpaste - a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, salt and a small amount of regular tooth paste. Brush your tooth twice a day with your home made tooth paste.
8. In ancient times, even now in villages, neem sticks from neem trees are used to brush teeth. It acts a herbal medicine for your teeth and helps you to have a brightening and healthy teeth. It really works a lot and strengthen the enamel. This is the secret of people living in village having healthy and strong teeth.
Check out Natural ways to Treat Tooth Decay! Stay Healthy!