Monday, May 28, 2012

Tips to treat Food allergy

Food allergy, an allergic reactions in body due to foods to which our body is allergic to it. Our immune response to that allergic food will be more which leads to food allergy.

Causes for Food allergy:
It varies from person to person, some may be allergic to proteins such as wheat, fish, fruits, vegetables and synthetic products etc. and others may not be allergic to it. Food allergy is more common to peanuts, contains oils where proteins are present, which leads to allergic reactions.

Symptoms are,
1. Swelling of lips, tongue and other parts of face.
2. Difficulty in swallowing.
3. Pale red skin rashes.
4. Hoarse voice.
5. Abdominal pain.
6. Red & Itchy eyes.
7. Nasal congestion.
8. Nausea.
9. Vomitting.
10. Headache.

1.Try to avoid foods to which you are allergic to it.

2. Epinehphrine (adrenaline) is the medication used to treat allergic reactions as per doctor prescription.

3. Antihistamines(benadryl) are used to control blood vessels which causes the allergic symptoms.

4. Steroids are used to control the adverse reactions of immune system to allergens.

5. Avoid breathing or touching the marshy and stagnant drainage or waste water areas.

6. For infants, breastfeeding upto 4 months compared to cow milk, prevent allergic reactions in later stages.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's really an informative blog having the tips for the treatment of food Allergies which are very useful, Thanks you so much for sharing.


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